12th March 2025

Hilton Leicester
13th March 2024
Platinum Partner

Blue Box IT
Blue Box IT is a leading provider of ICT support, infrastructure services, hardware, software and audio visual solutions to schools and colleges across the UK.
We are delighted to have Blue Box as our platinum partner, providing a full audio visual, digital signage and technical support offer to the conference, and supporting conference promotion and delivery.
Conference Associates

National APSEND MAT CEO Network
The APSEND National Network for MAT CEOs was established as a sector level response to the lack of formal networks and support structures for the leaders of Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) that include any form of specialist setting. The network now includes the CEOs of purely specialist MATs, and mixed MATs that include both mainstream schools and specialist settings.
Forum Strategy
Since its inception in 2013, Forum Strategy has proudly served hundreds of executive leaders from multi-academy trusts through membership of its national networks for academy trust CEOs, Chief Operating Officers (COOs) and Education Executives. Established as a membership organisation for trust CEOs, Forum Strategy has grown over recent years to also extend to specific networks for those who work closely with CEOs.

Keystone provides leadership support and advice on operational matters for schools and multi academy trusts, from school people. Helping school leaders to by improving school operations in areas including risk, finance, HR, governance and trust growth.